Discover how ComexPoint can make your import process from China to Chile easier and more efficient.
Save time by quoting all the logistics services you need in one place.
Access multiple providers to select the most convenient option.
We work with trusted providers (Freight Forwarders, Customs Agents, Insurance, and Transport).
Know the total cost of your operation upfront.
Compare different providers based on your chosen origin and destination.
Receive a detailed breakdown of selected costs and providers.
Obtain multiple comparable quotes in under one minute.
Choose the option that best suits your needs based on costs, transit time, provider ratings, or personal preference.
We guide you throughout the entire import process.
We make your import experience simple, transparent, and efficient. We’re with you at every step until you’re ready to manage the process independently on our platform.
Log in to our platform and get a quick and accurate quote for your import from China.
Visit our blog and get all the information you need to make your importation efficient.
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